Current Transducers Transducers, on the opposite hand, operate by changing power into different kinds of energy, like power, voltage, or current. They are used in a wide variety of applications, from microphones to car horns, and even photoelectric cells. Current transducers, in particular, convert alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) signals for use in control systems that monitor electricity. A Current Transducer appearance is nearly similar to a current transformer. We see these used a lot of in industries wherever we are observation motor or heater loads as an example. It has inbuilt circuitry to come up with a low-level DC signal base on the AC amps. This will usually be an analog 0-5VDC, 0-10VDC, or 4-20mA signal and will occasionally be a pulsed output where the frequency of the pulse is proportional to the amps going through the transducer. As far as what does a CT stand for, I don't think there is a well-defined answer. Like an acronym, it can stand...