A FET is a three-terminal unipolar semiconductor device. It is a voltage controlled device, not like a bipolar junction transistor. The main advantage of mosfet transistor is that it has a very high input impedance, which is in the order of Mega Ohms. It has many advantages like low power consumption, low heat dissipation and FETs are highly efficient devices. The following image shows however a sensible FET seems like. The FET is a unipolar device, which means that it is made using either p-type or n-type material as the main substrate. Hence the current conduction of a FET is done by either electrons or holes. Features of FET The following are the various options of a Field effect transistor. Unipolar − it's unipolar as either holes or electrons are liable for conductivity. High input impedance − The input current in FET flows due to the reverse bias. Hence it has high input impedance. Voltage controlled device − As the output voltage of a FET is controll...