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Showing posts from January, 2020

What is TVS Diodes: - Types, Working and Advantages & Disadvantages

TVS Diodes Transient voltage suppressor diodes, more commonly referred to as TVS diodes  are wont to protect integrated circuits (ICs). TVS diodes ensure semiconductors and delicate parts against high transient voltage spikes (overvoltage). TVS diodes are offered in both through-hole and surface mount bundles. They can be unidirectional or bidirectional. Unidirectional TVS diodes will only allow positive or negative voltage whereas bidirectional diodes can operate at both positive and negative voltages. TVS diodes are able to conduct large currents to the ground due to their construction. They feature a way larger p-n junction cross-sectional area than standard diodes. Types of TVS Diode Transient Voltage Suppressor Diodes can be grouped into two kinds. One is Unidirectional , and the other is Bidirectional . A unidirectional Transient Voltage Suppressor Diode fills in as a rectifier in a circuit the forward way like some other avalanche diode, and this unidi...

What is Solar Panels? How Does a Solar Panel Work?

Solar Panels Photovoltaic (PV) is the term identified with the change of light into power utilizing semiconducting materials that display the photovoltaic impact. A typical use of this technology is solar panels which comprise of solar cells that generate solar power. They can be installed on south-facing roofs, walls or on the ground, and can be fixed or have a solar tracker that follows the sun across the sky. The installation of solar panels is very beneficial for both private and commercial users because the solar power became electricity will be sold to the energy supplier. The feed-in tariff can reduce energy bills and price of solar panel installation. The advantage of this type of energy source is that it is clean energy, so generates no pollution and no greenhouse gas emissions. It is however dependent on direct sunlight so around 10% to 25% is lost when a tracking system is not used. How Does a Solar Panel Work? The solar cells within a solar array produce DC elect...